These are detailed book-length studies of one topic.
Last updated
These are detailed book-length studies of one topic.
Last updated
The information required for monographs in Lists of References includes the following (in this precise order):
author’s last name + COMMA + SPACE
capital initial of author’s first name + FULL STOP + SPACE
year of publication + FULL STOP + SPACE
Title of Publication with capital initials for content words + FULL STOP + SPACE
place of publication + COLON + SPACE
publisher + FULL STOP
Regarding point 2 - it is acceptable to use the author's first name rather than an initial but the choice (name vs. initial) must be consistent throughout the List of References. It is also acceptable to give two or more initials where appropriate.
NOTE: For multiple-authored monographs, the names of all authors must be provided (unlike with in-text references where only the first and second authors are mentioned and all others are subsumed under et al.). First and last names are only inverted for the first author; if there are only two authors, they are separated by ‘and’; if there are more than two authors, all but the last two authors are separated by commas.